CVPR 2015
Joint Tracking and Segmentation Joint Tracking and Segmentation Joint Tracking and Segmentation

Tracking-by-detection has proven to be the most successful strategy to address the task of tracking multiple targets in unconstrained scenarios. Traditionally, a set of sparse detections, generated in a preprocessing step, serves as input to a high-level tracker whose goal is to correctly associate these “dots” over time. An obvious shortcoming of this approach is that most information available in image sequences is simply ignored by thresholding weak detection responses and applying non-maximum suppression. We propose a multi-target tracker that exploits low level image information and associates every (super)-pixel to a specific target or classifies it as background. As a result, we obtain a video segmentation in addition to the classical bounding-box representation in unconstrained, realworld videos. Our method shows encouraging results on many standard benchmark sequences and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art tracking-by-detection approaches in crowded scenes with long-term partial occlusions.


Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple Targets

A. Milan, L. Leal-Taixé, K. Schindler and I. Reid
CVPR 2015
bibtex | paper | video

	Author = {Anton Milan and Laura Leal-Taixé and Konrad Schindler and Ian Reid},
	Booktitle = {CVPR},
	Title = {Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Multiple Targets},
	Year = {2015}


tracking code Current version is on bitbucket


You can download the same detector output that we used for our tracker from here.

Tracking output

All ground truth and our results (bounding boxes and segmentation masks) as well as the evaluation scripts can be downloaded here.
Here is the output of the evaluation script and more detailed results than present in the paper.
